Does this sound like you?
You are working so hard at work yet you feel empty inside. Even your passion isn’t clicking for you anymore. You worry that others see through you and you feel like a fraud.
You have a hard time saying no and find yourself frequently taking on additional responsibilities. You often feel taken advantage of as a result.
You worry frequently about what other people think about you. Your biggest fear is that others will realize that you aren’t as great as they think you are.
Bad things have happened in your past and now it is hard to trust others. You want to let people in but you are afraid of being hurt again.
From the outside, things look pretty okay.
You’re working hard, excelling at your career, and getting things done every day. But instead of feeling fullfilled by your accomplishments, you just feel exhausted and empty. It seems like no matter how hard you work and what you do well, you find yourself focused on the things that aren’t going well and worrying about the next thing to do on the list. You don’t want to get the reputation for being the office workaholic but you’re also struggling to separate yoursef from your work. When you do finally take some of that ellusive time off you find it impossible to relax because you’re always thinking about the next thing or obsessing about something you should have done better.
You wonder if it’s you.
There’s a part of you that always thinks you’re doing something wrong no matter how well things are going. A voice inside your head that is constantly telling you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, and in response, you keep trying to be more, to be enough. But no matter how hard you try, it doesn’t seem to work. In fact, sometimes you think people care more about what you do for them than they do about you. You may even wonder why they even bother engaging with you at all. Instead of confronting these feelings, you’ve pushed yourself harder and harder trying to be perfect because you feel that the only thing you have to offer anyone is your productivity.
Your past haunts you.
Past issues keep popping up like ghosts. You thought you’d buried these past wounds down deep but instead of getting better, the’ve only festered. Maybe you find yourself thinking about the same mistakes and heartbreaks and wonder why you can’t seem to get over them and move on. Maybe you are ready to work through these things but don’t feel capable of doing the work on your own. Or maybe deep down you are afraid if you talk about them, someone will tell you that they are all your fault and you don’t deserve to be happy.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

Real Talk…
You are here because you are hoping that there is a better way. Therapy might sound scary, hell, you might have had a bad experience with therapy in the past. But all you know is that you cannot continue to live your life this way anymore. You want to talk to someone who “gets it” and who can help you unpack all the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying around for so long.
Life doesn’t have to be this way. I work together with my clients to heal the wounds from the past and to rewrite the tapes that run in your head that keep telling you you’re not good enough or you don’t deserve good things. How wonderful would it be to have a balanced life where you both work hard and get to enjoy the things you love in your off time? It can happen and I’m ready to help you!
And if the mean little voice in your head is telling you that you should be able to fix it on your own, you should know that if you could fix it yourself, you wouldn’t be here. There is no shame in asking for help. Sometimes we need help to see even obvious connections in our lives (and I say that as a therapist in therapy herself!)
If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place.
Together we can find a balance between success and peace and shut up the nasty little voice in your head.
Ready to take the next step?
Get StartedHow I Can Help:

Anxiety & Stress Management
Anxiety and stress have you so on edge that it feels impossible to relax. Therapy can help you to figure out how you got stuck in this cycle and how to break out
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Self-Doubt has you feeling like you have to be perfect at all times or you’re a complete failure. Therapy helps examine the patterns that led you to this place so you can give yourself a break!
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Toxic Relationship Recovery
Your relationships often feel one sided, exhausting, unfullflling, or even abusive. Therapy can help you improve or get out of these relationships.
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